
We provide family centered practices
in Pennsylvania

Family Group Decision Making Meetings (FGDM)

Family Group Decision Making is a strengths-based empowerment process, designed to join the wider family group, including relatives, friends, community members, and others, in a neutral space, to collectively make decisions to resolve an identified concern and ensure the long term safety and stability of children.

Youth Transition Conference (YTC)

A Youth Transition Conference is a youth-driven process, based on the interest and
abilities of the youth. It provides a safe, neutral, and supportive space for the youth and
their circle of family and professional supports to share their thoughts and ideas, and it
engages, involves, and assists the youth in developing goals and creating a solid plan for
their future permanency, overall stability, and self-sufficiency, at age 18 and beyond.

Crisis Rapid Response (CRR)

Crisis/Rapid Response Meetings involve gathering family, kin, and community supports quickly, directly following an emergent event that will likely result in an environmental distribution for the child. This inclusive family approach is designed to give the family a voice, and to actively involve family in decision making within 24– 72 hours after the emergent event.

Home Studies

RTQ Academy conducts home studies on behalf of PA counties to ensure the safety and well-being of children in the foster care system is held to the highest regard during their experience in out of home placements. Abiding by the guidelines of the 3700 regulations and the child welfare background and awareness of our specialists, this process ensures a quality home and family experience is matched appropriately to the child(ren) in need. These home studies are preformed in kinship home relationships as well to ensure no environment is unequipped with safety measures and knowledgeable caregivers regardless of the relationships between the children and their resource family.